International TESOL Conference, Dallas 2013


Harmonizing Technology, Literacy, and Community through Extensive Reading 

Extensive reading can help IEP students increase their vocabulary and improve their reading fluency, but it

is sometimes a challenge to promote and assess student participation. This presentation  provides examples

of low-anxiety, high-interest assignments and activities that teachers can use to ensure active participation

in extensive reading programs.


Co-presented with Lara Ravitch and Emily Mathis. 

Uniting Student Engagement, Authentic Materials, Critical Thinking, and Listening Skills

Many published listening and speaking textbooks focus on assessing learners’ comprehension of listening

excerpts by asking lower-level questions requiring little critical thinking and resulting in low student

engagement. This presentation provides a rationale and materials for blending critical thinking skills with

student-selected authentic materials to increase engagement in the classroom.

Here are handouts from the presentation with adaptable materials for a listening/discussion skills project. 


Co-presented with Danielle Bus.


Beyond Institutional Culture Shock

With recent enrollment increases in IEPs, institutions are hiring many instructors quickly with little time to

acclimate them to the new setting. Under these circumstances, even experienced instructors face 

institutional culture shock. This presentation reports on research into and provides practical suggestions for

how IEP administration can support new hires.


Co-presented with Danielle Bus, Lara Ravitch, and Britt Johnson.